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Consultant Workspace

This Workspace has been specifically designed for Consultants cooperating with Qualis Auxilium to gather them with all the information needed and controlled documents.

After logging, Consultants will have access to plenty of useful information and controlled documents and they will have the opportunity to update their personal information.

Please don’t hesitate to give us your feedback about your Workspace in order to allow us improving your cooperation experience with Qualis Auxilium. 

For Consultants wishing to join our external Consultants pool, please submit to us at the following e-mail: a recent CV stating in which area from the following you want to cooperate with us:
- Halal Advisory and Consultation
- Consumer Safety Consultation
- Trainings
- SMQ and FSMS Consultation 


37 Angle rues Brahim Roudani et Nador, Mohammedia


Phone: +212 661 202 250